New Context

New Context


Augmenting Humanity for the AI Era & Food Tech for a Cleaner World


DG Lab will host THE NEW CONTEXT CONFERENCE 2017 SAN FRANCISCO in San Francisco, USA on November 3 and 4, 2017. DG Lab is an open platform R&D organization operated by Digital Garage, Inc. (TSE first section: 4819, HQ: Tokyo, Representative Director, President Executive Officer and Group CEO: Kaoru Hayashi, DG),, Inc. (TSE first section: 2371, HQ: Tokyo, President and Representative Director: Shonosuke Hata), and Credit Saison Co., Ltd. (TSE first section: 8253, HQ: Tokyo, President and CEO: Hiroshi Rinno). This conference is designed for people and organizations who are interested in cutting-edge technology and the new businesses that emerge from it. This will be the sixteenth conference since the first one in 2005.

The focus of this conference will be on the “Augmented Human” and “Sustainable Tech.” Leading researchers, entrepreneurs, and experts in the field will be invited to discuss business potentials and impact on the society related to these new technologies. “Augmenting Humanity for the AI Era” will be the theme for the first day of the conference where we discuss “human augmentation”. We will present the most recent research on the technologies that enhance human abilities such as AI (artificial intelligence), wearables, robotics, and MR (mixed reality). We will also address ethical issues involving technological advancements and discuss our future in the world with AI where humans and technology merge. There will be presentations on technology that expands brain capacity by connecting a machine to the brain, technology that enhances the human senses and athletic performance, and how these technologies can be applied to sports.

The topic for the second day will be “Food Tech for a Cleaner World” with a focus on “Sustainable Tech.” We will talk about the global food crises and pollution, and we will present our work aiming to address these issues with various “food” related technologies, such as a new method of producing food, creating novel food, and sustainable farming using AI and biotechnology. We will have presentations on such subjects as open platforms that allow anyone to easily grow vegetables indoors, the artificial production of meat from cultured cells, and entomophagy, which is getting global attention. We are also planning to have a party afterward where you can sample the food that was presented during the conference.

[Conference Outline]
Date and Time: November 3, 2017 (Friday) 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Augmenting Humanity for the AI Era
November 4, 2017 (Saturday) 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Food Tech for a Cleaner World
Location: DG717 (717 Market Street, San Francisco)
Co-hosts: Digital Garage, Inc.,, Inc., and Credit Saison Co., Ltd.
Seating Capacity: Approximately 250
Official Website:
To reserve your seat: Please go to the official website and go to the Tickets page.

* Media representatives who wish to participate should send their publication name, name(s) of the participant(s), contact information, and the day they wish to participate, to the following email address. Email: