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New Context

In collaboration with Business France of the French Embassy Japan, Digital Garage will host “the 1st French Tech Tokyo” pitch session

Featuring 20 Japanese and French start-ups that intend to develop their businesses in cutting-edge fields


Tokyo, September 14, 2015 – Digital Garage, Inc. (TSE JASDAQ: 4819, DG) will collaborate with Business France Japan, an agency of The French Embassy Department of Export and Investment to host “French Tech Tokyo: The 1 st Pitch Session” for Japanese and French start-ups on October 5, 2015. 20 Japanese and French start-ups that intend to develop their businesses in cutting-edge fields such as IoT, health-care and cleantech are scheduled to participate; four of these 20 start-ups will comprise companies taking part in the DG-run incubation program “Open Network Lab,” as well as companies that have received investment from DG Incubation, Inc., an investment business wholly owned by DG.

“French Tech TokyoPitch Session” will form one part of “French Tech Day,” an event hosted by Business France from October 4 to 5 to coincide with the visit to Japan of the French prime minister, Manuel Valls. The aim of the event is to encourage the entry of Japanese start-ups into French markets, and the entry of French start-ups into Japanese markets. French Tech Day also marks the beginning of the Japanese French Innovation Year, which is being promoted by both the Japanese and French governments. In addition to the pitch sessions, the “French Tech Booth” will introduce French start-ups which are expected to achieve success in Japanese markets–these will be displayed at the “French Tech Expo,” to be held at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Tokyo.

Having recognized the economic value and the ability to generate employment of start-up businesses, since the end of 2013 the French government has promoted “La French Tech,” a program that supports their growth. Through this program, the government has encouraged French businesses to enter overseas markets and overseas businesses to enter French markets. The Japan-oriented French Tech Tokyo follows on from “French Tech New York City,” which was held in New York in June, 2015.

DG will collaborate with French Tech Tokyo through its Open Network Lab activities. As part of its program to develop Japanese entrepreneurs, it intends to engage with French start-up businesses and support the entry of Japanese start-up businesses into French markets.

Overview of French Tech Tokyo: Pitch Session No.1
・Date and time: October 5, 2015, 15:00-19:00 (registration starts from 14:30)
・Location: Digital Garage, Inc., 9F, Digital Gate Building, 3-5-7 Ebisu-minami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
・Sponsors: Business France / Digital Garage, Inc.
Co-sponsors: Orange Japan, Inc., and Bpifrance
・Official website:

*Attendance at this event is by invitation only.
Members of the media are asked to enquire below:

The French Embassy Department of Export and Investment
-Business France Tokyo Office
Press Representative: Kaori Suenaga
Tel: +81-3-5798-6128 Email: