New Context

New Context

Digital Garage to Launch CIWorks to Provide Specialized Cancer Treatment Knowledge

Developing a Network of Physicians and Promoting Clinical Applications of Latest Expertise


Digital Garage, Inc. (TSE JASDAQ: 4819, Head Office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan; President and Group CEO: Kaoru Hayashi; henceforth “DG”) will launch CIWorks, Inc. (Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan; President: Satoshi Ito; henceforth “CIWorks”) to provide medical knowledge specialized in cancer treatment information in May 2014, a company established in partnership with NEWS SERVICE CENTER, Corp. (Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan; CEO: Ryuichi Terayama; henceforth “NSC”).

Every year in Japan over 700,000 people are diagnosed with cancer, and more than 300,000 lives are lost due to cancer. Additionally, the number of physicians involved in cancer treatment is estimated at approximately 110,000. Despite the existence of such large numbers of patients and the engagement of so many physicians, information and knowledge regarding the latest cancer treatments is not shared efficiently among them. Reasons for this include the fast pace of evolution in treatment methods and the fact that existing websites that carry medical news articles do not cover clinically applicable information.

With backgrounds of such challenges, CIWorks has been established to build a platform for the dissemination of the latest expertise (knowledge) useful in the clinical treatment of cancer to a large number of physicians. One of the core features is provision of the latest research results with high clinical applicability from American and European academic societies in addition to those of Japan along with background information and easy-to-understand commentaries of contents. More than 20 physicians and specialists from medical institutions※1 who are leading cancer treatment in Japan will cooperate to create contents by selecting topics, recommending reference papers, and providing clinical information primarily on solid cancer varieties with high patient numbers, such as lung cancer, digestive system cancer, urinary system cancer and breast cancer. In addition, an ongoing contribution will be made for a further advancement of cancer treatment in clinical practice in Japan through a discussion forum on the website, enabling valuable discussion among the physicians registered to the service.

As part of this service to share the latest knowledge related to cancer treatment, each of the pharmaceutical companies will proactively supply information regarding the anti-cancer drugs. CIWorks will offer advertisement solutions that enable pharmaceutical companies to place ads and run promotions on the website to raise awareness on their products. Further, in the medium-term, CIWorks will promote mutual communication among physicians, pharmaceutical companies and medical institutions and provide consultancy services taking advantage of activity data on the website.

CIWorks is a startup business established by DG and NSC in the fall of 2013, with the goal of enhancing levels of medical care via the development of a platform capable of building Collective Intelligence by bringing together the knowledge and experience of each physician in the medical field. DG’s Co-Founder Joichi Ito has participated in CIWorks as an advisor. The DG Group will continue to utilize the expertise and know-how accumulated in the Internet field to contribute to the further stimulation and expansion of the Japanese health-care industry.

※1 Cooperation is to be received from the National Cancer Center and members who created “Evidence-based medical guidelines.”

CIWorks’ Role in the Cancer Treatment Information Network

CIWorks Service Image

About CIWorks
Company Name: CIWorks, Inc.
Established: October 31, 2013
President: Satoshi Ito
Head Office Location: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Description of Business: Operation of a website for the provision, sharing and creation of medical care-related knowledge

Machiko Ashizawa
CIWorks, Inc.