New Context

New Context



Digital Garage, Inc. today announced that it has become a Consortium Research Sponsor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab. The Media Lab is a pioneering research community focused on the study, invention, and creative use of digital technologies. Digital Garage, known as a “social media incubator,” has been working on developing and incubating new social media to create new business.

Through this sponsorship, Digital Garage will collaborate with the Media Lab to explore new, innovative approaches for social media and will work closely with Lab faculty, researchers, and students to advance the future of digital society, human interface, and media. As a Corporate Research Sponsor, Digital Garage will also place an employee-in-residence at the Lab to work alongside Lab researchers. In addition, Digital Garage will have the opportunity to hold an annual company day at the Lab to discuss research and exchange ideas with the Media Lab faculty, researchers, and students.

“We decided to participate in the Media Lab since Digital Garage co- founder Joi Ito was named director. We anticipate that innovative ideas from the Media Lab will help us work with industries in Japan to bring cutting-edge advances to their products and services. In this way, Digital Garage can serve as a catalyst for technological developments that will positively impact the 21st century economy,” said Kaoru Hayashi, CEO of Digital Garage.

Joi Ito, the incoming director of MIT Media Lab and co-founder of Digital Garage, said, “The Media Lab has led the way in understanding and building the future of media through advances in technology. Digital Garage has helped create many of the core Internet businesses in Japan. This new collaboration between the Media Lab and Digital Garage will help to expand Internet capabilities in Japan, while also broadening the creative use of digital technologies worldwide.”

The Media Lab, founded in 1985, applies an unorthodox research approach to envision the impact of emerging technologies on everyday life. Media Lab designers, engineers, artists, and scientists work atelier-style in some 25 research groups on projects aimed at inventing – and reinventing – how humans experience, and can be aided by, technology. The Lab is supported by more than 60 sponsors, including some of the world’s leading corporations.

About Digital Garage
Digital Garage, Inc., founded in 1995, has gone on to create a wide variety of business endeavors based on our core strengths: cutting-edge Internet technology, marketing technology with focus on usability, and financial technology that harnesses total solutions. The footsteps of Digital Garage -its path of creating new context as well as numerous business models- have been and will be a guidepost for Internet business in Japan in the 21st century.